In the fall of 2018, Nebraskans for Hereford Heritage completed the process of incorporating and attaining tax free designation as a 501(c) (3) entity, following a four-year effort by current and former Hereford breeders. This begins the process of preserving the rich history of Hereford cattle and Hereford breeders from our state.
Our goal is to preserve this heritage for future generations by establishing a Nebraska Hereford Heritage Museum. The membership of this organization has demonstrated there is a sustainable interest in keeping this history alive and sharing it with others, especially with those who care about Nebraska's beef industry.


The Hereford Heritage Collection is on display at The Sandhills Heritage Museum in Dunning, NE. Contact Linda Teahon at 308-430-0786 to schedule an appointment to view the exhibit.
We are proud to share the results of our efforts with you, for your enjoyment and your education. This effort is both worthwhile, and probably even critical, because it limits the loss of many historically significant pieces of Nebraska beef history.
Restoration and display of the metal sculpture of a noted herd sire previously owned by Warner Herefords of Waverly. This sculpture has now been exhibited in over 40 communities and events across the state.
Developed a unique collection of original Hereford artwork created by a number of prominent talented artists.
Honored eleven families or prominent Nebraskans who have made major contributions to the breed and the state.
Commissioned four pieces of artwork commemorating the role of some of the landmark bulls within Nebraska's beef industry.
Hosted five successful dinner events - in Thedford, Alliance, Taylor, Mullen, and Broken Bow - which included displays of memorabilia from numerous ranches and breeding operations.
Created a major exhibit that is a significant attraction at the Sandhills Heritage Museum in Dunning, NE.
Generated numerous articles in state and national publications that focused on the breed and the organization's historical preservation efforts.
Assembled the most complete collection of publications and historical documents about any livestock breed found anywhere in the state of Nebraska.
If you would like to support this goal, please consider becoming a lifetime patron. Individual cost is $50, Ranch patronage is $200. Please send your name and payment to: Hereford Crossroads
Dixie Hoffman, HC Treasurer, P O Box 192, Thedford, NE 69166

President - Richard Brown, 2259 Trevor Court, Lincoln, NE 68512
Vice-President - Linda Teahon, P.O. Box 126, Dunning, NE 68833
Treasurer - Dixie Hoffman, P.O. Box 192, Thedford, NE 69166
Secretary - Terri Licking, P.O. Box 62, Thedford, NE 69166
Dale Spencer, 43500 E. North Loup Rd., Brewster, NE 68821
Ken Stephens, 39753 906th Rd., Valentine, NE 69201